Contact Us
Ballagh NS, Kilrooskey, Co. Roscommon F42 CF90
Phone: 09066 25884
Latest News
- Basketball Blitz in The Hub, Castlerea
- Our Senior Room attend a GAA Blitz in St. Faithleach’s
- World Book Day
- Pancake Tuesday
- Engineers Week 2025
- New Primary Maths Curriculum – Measures
- Roscommon Drama Festival Short Story Competition
- Roscommon Primary FAI 5 A Side Soccer – Lecarrow
- Safer Internet Day 2025
- Christmas Raffle
GAA Skills Ideas
/in School News /by Ballagh NsAs part of our hard work on the GAA- 5 Star programme- please see attached some ideas which will allow you to keep the skills up. There are lots of catching, throwing and kicking drills and activities.
You will also find really fun clips by GAA stars on
Ask not what your county can do for you, but what you can do for your County!!!
First Penance / First Holy Communion / Confirmation
/in School News /by Ballagh NsWith regards to the Sacraments, no decision has been made yet as to their timeline, as soon as the information becomes available to us, we will forward details to parents. We would like to share a note received from the Diocese Primary Catechetics team:
Useful Links to Websites
/in School News /by Ballagh NsWe understand people are sharing lots of useful links to websites across social media,which can be confusing to decide which is useful. This resource for Junior Infants to 6th Class might narrow down the search and be worth exploring by the pupils if they get bored- don’t feel under pressure to use but we felt it was well structured and might be helpful at some stage if you wished during the closure. As a a school we wish to extend our thanks to Eimear Sheahan who created the padlet resource and Ger Ruane who shared this great padlet with lots of activities for home learning activities. Just click on the link or copy into your browser-
We hope this helps, remember anything that is suggested is a menu, pick what suits your day. Keep smiling and try to get out in the garden to enjoy the good weather at the moment.
Best wishes- Staff of Ballagh National School.