Contact Us
Ballagh NS, Kilrooskey, Co. Roscommon F42 CF90
Phone: 09066 25884
Latest News
- Confirmation 2025
- Basketball Blitz in The Hub, Castlerea
- Our Senior Room attend a GAA Blitz in St. Faithleach’s
- World Book Day
- Pancake Tuesday
- Engineers Week 2025
- New Primary Maths Curriculum – Measures
- Roscommon Drama Festival Short Story Competition
- Roscommon Primary FAI 5 A Side Soccer – Lecarrow
- Safer Internet Day 2025
A message from our Green Schools Team
/in School News /by Ballagh NsPlease Remember our Ballagh National School Green Code:
Weather permitting we hope to hold a WOW before or directly after the Midterm break from Niamh Hanley’s house..more information will issue via Text a Parent.
Recent Walk to School Commendation Award Winners
Come rain or shine the following pupils are making great “strides” to walk to school….well done to our Junior pupils for reducing their carbon footprint even in the most inclement weather conditions.
We hope to shortly recommence our Walk to School initiative and we would love to see plenty of people walking to school everyday or join us on our WOW Days….please remember safety comes first:
1,2,3, Safe Cross,
4,5,6, Safe Cross,
1,2,3,4,5,6, Safe Cross Code
Remember, one, look for a safe place
two, don’t hurry, stop and wait,
three, look all around and listen before you cross the road,
remember, four, let all the traffic pass you
five, then walking straight across you
six, keep watching,
that’s the Safe Cross Code!!!!!
Our New Year ‘Bike to School’ tips from Green Schools Ireland
Travel theme
As many of us already know, cycling is a great form of exercise; an efficient form of travel; and a useful way to wake up and gear up for the day ahead. If you received a new bike for Christmas or have set a resolution to cycle to school this year, beginning to cycle for the first time can be a nervous yet exciting experience especially for Cycle on Wednesday Days!
Some of you may have received new bicycles for Christmas but, new or used, always ensure your bike is in working order before beginning a journey. Check your brakes work, the tyres are the correct pressure, the chain is nicely greased and that your gears work – if you have them. Oh and don’t forget to bring your lock to keep your bike nice and safe at school.
If you are new to cycling to school then you may want to think about, and plan, your journey. A useful way of getting familiar with your route and confident is to cycle with someone more experienced. Alternatively, you may want to cycle on a quieter day e.g. Saturday or Sunday.
Cycle mindfully – by this I mean: be aware of your surroundings and never take for granted that people can see you or know what you are going to do and vice versa. Always cycle responsibly (respect the rules of the road) and safely. If you have to cycle on a footpath at any part of your journey to school remember you are the guest and always give priority to pedestrians.
Cycle your way – be it cycling in your school uniform, cycling a racer to cycling a BMX, it is really important that you cycle your way and enjoy how you do.
If you can’t cycle to school then don’t be disheartened, there are many ways to enjoy the bicycle e.g. socially with your friends; as a sport – join a club and or go mountain biking or on your school holidays.
Community Games Winners
/in School News /by Ballagh NsGreat success at the recent Community Games Art and Handwriting competitions when 10 of our pupils received awards.
Congratulations to Anthony, Lyndsey, David, Emily, Rachel, Jasmine, Anna, Katie, Sophie & Ava.
Christmas in Ballagh NS
/in School News /by Ballagh NsThere was great fun and Christmas cheer at our recent Christmas Carol Serivce
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