Contact Us
Ballagh NS, Kilrooskey, Co. Roscommon F42 CF90
Phone: 09066 25884
Latest News
- Christmas Raffle
- Special Visitor warmly welcomed
- National Schools 5 A-Side Soccer Competition
- Rocking Around the Christmas Tree
- Viking Workshop
- Science Workshop in Mercy College Roscommon
- Green Schools – Global Citizenship Marine Environment
- Halloween in Ballagh NS
- Developing our Outdoor Classroom
- Roscommon Mobile Library Visits Ballagh National School
Christmas is coming
/in School News /by Ballagh NsChristmas preparations are well underway here in Ballagh NS. Some wonderful artwork resulted in beautifuil festive decorations which will proudly adorn many homes this Christmas. The pupils entertained the staff and fellow pupils with a wonderful Christmas Variety show this week, performed at a social distance. A fundraiser to support the St. Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal resulted in a generous donation to this worthy charity. And the Parents Association Christmas Raffle was an outstanding success as always and we would like to thank our ticket sellers and everybody who supported this draw. Congratulations to all the prize winners. Finally, from the staff and students at Ballagh NS, we would like to wish you all a safe and relaxing Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Science Week
/in School News /by Ballagh NsThe theme of Science Week 2021 is “Creating our Future”. At Ballagh NS, some fantastic experiments were undertaken, with the pupils in the Senior Room creating Rocket Balloon Cars and carrying out a Water Chime Pitch experiement, while the Junior Room pupils made a Lava Lamp.
Aistear in the Junior Room
/in School News /by Ballagh NsAistear is the irish word for journey and our pupils certainly took some marvellous journeys recently as they visited “The Farm Shop” and “The Hospital”, through their role play in Aistear. They took part in active learning by using art, role play, construction and activities.