Board Game Fun

Team Hope Christmas Shoebox Appeal

As always there was a great response to the Team Hope Christmas Shoebox Appeal

Some of the Shoeboxes donated by pupils of Ballagh NS

Halloween at Ballagh NS

There was great fun and excitement for Halloween as Ballagh School was overtaken by all sorts of weird and exciting characters…

Halloween Art


Work on Aistear has continued in our Junior Room with the themes so far this year being “The School Office” and “The Witches Den”. After midterm, we will do “The Busy Café” and after that we will have our Christmas Theme. We use role play, construction, small world, play dough and junk art to explore our themes and we really enjoy it.

Maths Week Winners

Well done to all the children for taking part and making such great efforts during Maths Week.

Particular congratulations must go to our six winners – Alex C, Michaela, Ellen, Aoibhinn, Alex T and Aidan.

Maths Week 2022

We had a ” Marvellous Maths Week 2022″. All classes participated in Maths Week and experienced technology and active learning through Maths. Each day the pupils completed Maths games, target boards, problem solving and on Thursday of Maths Week  we all used our Maths Eyes to  complete a trail in our local environment.
Target Boards we found to be  a great fun way for our class to practice arithmetic. Target Boards are very simple and doing them through the Maths Week website made  it a lot more fun for our class as we were using our Chromebooks and ICT in our learning. How they work is we were given a set of 9 numbers and using any of these numbers (only once in each expression) and the four operators, we found  out how many expressions we can make that makes up the target number. The idea is to come up with as many expressions using the numbers on the board and the operators + addition, – Subtraction, * Multiplication, / Division. Take a look at our photos of some our problem solving activities. Well done to all involved…..we love Maths!!

Roscommon Primary Schools Cross Country Championships

Congratulations to our pupils who recently took part in the Cross Country Championships in Roscommon. Over 1000 children competed in total so there was strong competition on the day. 3rd & 4th class pupils ran 1000 metres whilst the children in 5th & 6th ran 1200m. With the day being wet and windy, this was a very challenging event and we are very proud of all our pupils who performed so valiantly on the day. Congratulations to everyone.

Beauty and the Beast

We travelled to the Arts Centre in Roscommon and spent a lovely afternoon in the company of Beauty and the Beast and an array of exciting characters. This musical was performed by the pupils of Roscommon Community College and it was extra exciting for us to see so many past pupils on the stage. It was a wonderful afternoons entertainment and thoroughly enjoyed by all.

Sports Day

Due to uncooperative weather, our sports day took place over two days but we didn’t hear any complaints from our competitors. On Friday, we took part in many fun indoor activities with a quick run outdoors to collect our cone from Nick the Icecream Man. On Tuesday, our outdoor activities were embraced with vigour and enthusiasm. We hope you enjoy our gallery of pictures.