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Developing our Outdoor Classroom

Our outdoor classroom is transforming into an very inviting and functional space, following recent additions. The wonderful canopy was installed over the summer break following our successful applicaiton to the Sliabh Bawn Community Benefit Fund. We were also able to purchase a whiteboard using the busary from the Roscommon Pioneer Association which was awarded to […]

PTAA Essay & Art Success

We were delighted to hear of our success in the Roscommon/Athlone Pioneer Total Abstinence Association Regional Essay and Art Competitions. A big congratulations to Laoise in Sixth Class, who was awarded overall winner in the Regional Competition in Art. We had further success in the Essay Competition as fifth class student AJ was awarded 3rd […]

Turoe Pet Farm

We had a wonderful day in Turoe Pet Farm recently where we met a great variety of animals including pigs, cockerels, ponies, rabbits, donkeys, goats, ducks and lamas. Lots of fun was had on the massive 8000 Square Foot bouncing castle and in the lovely playground also.

A Day in Dublin!!

Following a successful application to the Gallery at Schools Programme, we were delighted to be awarded a travel bursary from the National Gallery of Ireland to subsidise the cost of a bus to Dublin and an invitation to visit their Gallery. Our senior room pupils travelled to Dublin recently to avail of this offer. We […]

Stem Lessons in the Junior Room

There was great excitement among our 1st and 2nd class pupils recently when they were given their new Lego Education Spike sets and set out to create movable vehicles and robots. Through experimentation and problem-solving, the children sought out the most effective methods to propel their robots forward, showcasing their power of critical thinking and […]

Primary Schools 5 a side Soccer Competition

Our Senior Room pupils travelled to Celtic Park in Boyle recently to take part in the Primary Schools 5 a side soccer competition. Both our boys team and girls team performed tremendously on the day and despite playing some wonderful football and winning some of their games, they were unfortunate not to proceed to the […]

Green Schools Update by Ellen

Here in  Ballagh N.S. we are very sustainable. Firstly, we have a very active Green School Committee who are busy working on the theme Global Citizenship – Energy. Recently we installed a  new smart meter, we now  know our precise energy usage to the decimal so no more false accurate bills! Over the past two […]