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World Book Day

Thursday 2nd March was World Book Day and as you can see, Ballagh NS was visited by lots of fantastic characters from some wonderful books.  

10@10- Operation Transformation

At 10 minutes past 10 on Friday, 10th February, we took part in the Operation Transportation Physical Activity Challenge, which encouraged all primary schools to simultaneously spend 10 minutes being active.   At Ballagh School, we thoroughly enjoyed an action packed 10 minutes, by taking part in lots of fun activities.

Microscopes- Senior Room Microbiologists!!!

We are learning  about Microbiology. This  is the study of bacteria, viruses, and other microbes that are invisible to the eye. These tiny creatures are everywhere, even on you and in you! Don’t worry, most microbes are harmless to humans. Less than 500 years ago, people believed that illnesses were caused by evil spirits or […]

Mindfulfulness in the  Senior Room

  We are integrating mindfulness into our teaching and learning. The practice of focusing your awareness on the present moment while observing your thoughts and feelings in a non-judgmental way – is now being used in our class as part of our  SPHE (Social Personal Health Education) Curriculum to build positive mental health and self-esteem. […]

Aistear- An apple a day keeps the Doctor away!!!

  Oh dear, the doctors and nurses in  the Junior Classes have been very busy this week! Our theme for the month is the Doctor’s Surgery. Here in the socio-dramatic group the waiting room has been full of patients waiting patiently for their turn to see the doctor or nurse.  

Enrolment 2017

Enrolment Evening Wednesday, February 1st, 2017 from 6 – 7pm If you are considering enrolling your child in Ballagh National School for September 2017 or 2018, we invite you to come along with your child, to view the school and meet the teachers. We look forward to welcoming you on Wednesday, February 1st, 2017 from […]

Ballagh’s Young Scientists

In Ballagh School, we pride ourselves on our interest in the STEM subjects of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. This term our school will be collaborating with the Royal Microscopical Society (RMS)  and National University of Ireland Galway in a Science programme in which they will be providing us with microscope activity kits. Our school children […]

Operation Transformation in Ballagh NS

Operation Transformation has devised Health and Fitness plans for Primary schools with the idea being to incorporate extra physical activity into the school day.  Once again, in Ballagh NS, we have decided to take on the Operation Transformation challenge.  During the week we will take part in a keep fit routine.  We are also going […]

Swimming Lessons

Swimming lessons for all classes will commence on Monday, 27th February at 10am and will run for seven weeks.  Children will be placed in a class relevant to their ability and they will be tested at the end of the session and awarded a certificate.  It is a great chance for the children to learn valuable […]

Cash for Clobber Clothing Collection

A massive thank you to everybody who donated clothes to our recent Cash for Clobber Clothing Collection.  It was a fantastic success and it raised €390 for the school.  With this donation, we are now very hopeful that we will soon be able to purchase goalposts for our new astro turf pitch.