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Phone Line Down

Our phone line is currently down. We are hoping it will be repaired shortly. In the meantime, if you need to contact the school, can you please email ballaghns1@gmail.com. Thank you

Let’s Play

Please click on the link below to access lots of fun resources to keep you entertained!! https://www.gov.ie/en/campaigns/lets-play-ireland/

Greenschools Award- Wonderful News

We are delighted to report the wonderful news that all our hard work on Biodiversity and building bug hotels, bird feeders and harvesting vegetables and planting pollinator friendly plants from our raised bed has paid off…we have earned our Greenschool Flag for Biodiversity awarded by An Taisce- huge thanks to our Greenschools’ Committee, pupils, school […]

Information for Students and Parents regarding Health and Well Being

We attach information from PDST and The Irish Heart Foundation, which both contain very good tips and activities. Please click on the links below to view this information. The PDST Primary Health and Wellbeing Team have developed a new resource which aims to support the emotional wellbeing of children. In times of crisis and change, […]

GAA Skills Ideas

As part of our hard work on the GAA- 5 Star programme- please see attached some ideas which will allow you to keep the skills up. There are lots of catching, throwing and kicking drills and activities. https://webmail.eir.ie/service/home/~/?auth=co&loc=en_GB&id=165892&part=2 You will also find really fun clips by GAA stars onhttps://learning.gaa.ie/gogamesskillchallenges. Ask not what your county can […]

First Penance / First Holy Communion / Confirmation

With regards to the Sacraments, no decision has been made yet as to their timeline, as soon as the information becomes available to us, we will forward details to parents. We would like to share a note received from the Diocese Primary Catechetics team: Over recent days, Deacon Frank McGuinness, Diocesan Director of Youth Ministry, […]

Useful Links to Websites

We understand people are sharing lots of useful links to websites across social media,which can be confusing to decide which is useful. This resource for Junior Infants to 6th Class  might narrow down the search and be worth exploring by the pupils if they get bored- don’t feel under pressure to use but we felt […]